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Guang Dong Luo Shi Teng
編號 (ID):D00784
藥材拉丁名 (Pharmaceutical Name):
Herba Psychotriae Serpentis
拉丁學名 (Latin Name):
Psychostria serpens L.
擺放位置 (Location):21
科名: 茜草科
性味: 味苦、辛,性平
展覽種類: 香港容易混淆中藥
功能分類: 莖木類
藥材種類: 植物藥
提供單位: 本館收藏
  Family: Rubiaceae
  Clinical Indications: 1. Arthralgia
2. numbness in limbs
3. muscular strain of the lumbar region, sciatica
4. multiple carbuncles and sores, tuberculosis in bones
5. traumatic injury, bone fracture
6. snakebites from venomous species
  Origin of Production:
  Display Category: Easily Confused Chinese Medicines in Hong Kong
  Function Category: Stems
  Medicine Category: Plant
  Source: Centre Collection
Permanent URL for this record: https://libproject.hkbu.edu.hk/was40/detail?channelid=44273&searchword=herb_id=D00784

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