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Jin Kuo Chen Xiang
編號 (ID):D00785
藥材拉丁名 (Pharmaceutical Name):
Lignum Aquilariae Agallochae Resinatum
拉丁學名 (Latin Name):
Aquilaria agallocha (Lour.) Roxb.
擺放位置 (Location):21
科名: 瑞香科
性味: 味辛、苦,性温
展覽種類: 香港容易混淆中藥
功能分類: 莖木類
藥材種類: 植物藥
提供單位: 本館收藏
  Family: Thymelaeaceae
  Clinical Indications: 1. Cardialgia due to stagnant cold, dyspnoea with wheezing, vomiting and hiccups due to cold in stomach
2. insufficiency and cold in loin and knees
3. constipation due to hypofunction of large intestine
4. urination disturbance due to dysfunction of the urinary bladder or hypofunction of the kidney
  Origin of Production:
  Display Category: Easily Confused Chinese Medicines in Hong Kong
  Function Category: Stems
  Medicine Category: Plant
  Source: Centre Collection
Permanent URL for this record: https://libproject.hkbu.edu.hk/was40/detail?channelid=44273&searchword=herb_id=D00785

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